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RDP Recycler

MEI has introduced the RDP Recycler in combination with the VN2700 series.  The VN2700 series is the latest vending validator, accepting ones through twenties, and has the option to include the modular recycler or be purchased separately and added on a later date .  The recycler is the latest product released by MEI which allows the return of one or five dollar bills to customers.  Check out the demonstration video below, and how MEI compares with the competition! 

We've just added the most up to date recycler compatibility chart by MEI.  This can help you determine which of your vendors can use the new recycler!!

Recycler Compatibility Chart

Click filename below to access file


Recycler Video

Click filename below to access file


Compare Recyclers

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Recycler Flyer

Click filename below to access file


For pricing questions on large quantity orders and inquiries please contact Wachtor Electronics at 801-485-2289 or email saltlakecity@wachtor.com